Horticulture is the art of flower-cultivation, which is why it is one of thefavorite occupations, but also a hobby of all botanical lovers. Plants require special care and attention, and that includes extensive knowledge of their cultivation and characteristics. With our expert advice, growing flowers will be easier!

One of the ways to propagate plants is the multiplication of leaf cuttings. This done by cutting mature leaves into segments which have well pronounced nevation (developed nerves). The cut segments are placed in potting soil (substrate) at a 45° angle. Substrate used for rooting cuttings is sand or coarse peat, but in recent times […]
DetailsGardening and maintaining orchards are a serious task for those in the business, so we are available for all tips to help you grow flowers. Whether it’s room plants or growing flowers in the greenhouse, each one requires a special commitment and a certain level of expertise.
Beautiful lawns, healthy fikus or lush chrysanthese that you have observed are not so pleasant for the eye for no reason – behind their cultivation there is a demanding work that is based on various processes –about planting, to closemonitoring of growth and adequate plant care throughout itslife. With our expert advice, growing flowers in your regime will go without a problem.