Cerix B is a microbiological preparation that increases the induced resistance of plants to diseases. Cerix colonizes the plant surface, forms a biofilm thus preventing pathogen attacks, and is therefore recommended in preventive treatments against the disease. A balanced ratio of natural compounds auxin and cytokinin quickly recovers plants from disease and pest attacks, as well as from unfavorable environmental conditions (low/high temperatures, various plant damage). It affects the development of the root system, leaf mass, photosynthesis activity, and increases yield.
Bacillus sp. minimum
2 -3 l / ha at the time of intensive plant development.
Sugar beet: with the first and second herbicide treatment, before closing the rows, with fungicide treatments against Cercospore beticola. It can be mixed with all plant protection products. It is especially recommended for preventive treatments against diseases because it increases the resistance of plants by forming biofilm.
Corn and sunflower: together with herbicide treatments in 2-3 leaf phase, for as long as you can enter the crop. It can be used together with all preparations for the protection of the crops.
Soybean: in the second – the third trefoil phase, closing the rows, flowering, insemination, fruit development, alone or together with pesticides.
Wheat: tillering, intrusion, and spike formation alone or with pesticides.
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