Carpo is applied when the fruit size is 8 – 15 mm, with the following apple varieties and application concentration:

  1. Golden delišes, Čadel 0.5 – 1%
  2. Granny Smith, Red delišes standard, Mutsu – 0.5 – 1%
  3. Idared, Gala – 0.2 – 0.5%
  4. Red delišes (spur and semi spur varieties)- 0.2 – 0.5%.

In the case of trees of high lushness in full yield, in case of abundant flowering. and in sunny and warm weather, use higher concentrations of the preparation. Its application is not directly dependent on weather conditions.

Effects of application:

  • regular yield
  • higher average fruit weight
  • a higher proportion of larger fruits
  • better coloration
  • firmer fruits
  • it is easier to perform protection
  • it is easier to harvest large fruits
  • lower sorting costs
  • smaller decline before harvest
  • higher economic gain


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