UNIKER liquid microbiological fertilizer is used in arable farming, olericulture, and orcharding for:

1. Decomposition of crop residues

Uniker accelerates the decomposition of crop residues and has a beneficial effect on soil fertility. Removal of crop residues after crop removal is very harmful to soil fertility because fresh organic matter is removed. The transformation of fresh organic matter produces humic substances. Humus is very important for maintaining soil fertility, i.e. for improving its physical, chemical, and biological properties.

Fresh organic residues originating from plants (root, leaf, trunk, fruits), animals, and microorganisms (biomass) are transformed to achieve complete mineralization or to semi-decomposed substances that directly or indirectly enter the composition of humus.

These transformations take place in the soil through microorganisms that have the ability to decompose cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The intensity of transformations depends on the type of plant material, temperature, water content, and activity of the present populations of microorganisms. Mineralization often takes place slowly, as a result of which undecomposed and semi-decomposed plant remnants stay in the soil until the next sowing, which makes it difficult to prepare the soil for sowing and even plant germination.

The application of Uniker, which contains bacteria that decompose cellulose, accelerates the processes of harvest residues transformation in the soil. The use of Uniker prevents the formation of nitrogen depression (lack of available nitrogen) in the soil because Uniker contains organic matter which, with the help of proteolytic bacteria, decomposes into available nitrogen (NH4), by which the C / N ratio is regulated.

2. Composting

Composting is a natural process of decomposition of organic matter in which different groups of microorganisms decompose and convert organic matter into relatively stable organic matter similar to humus – compost.

Composts are organic fertilizers obtained by composting various organic, primarily plant residues (fallen leaves, twigs, agricultural waste from pruning fruits and grapevines, cut grass, kitchen waste: raw vegetable residues, potato peelings, fruit residues, coffee grounds, tea residues, eggshells, etc.).

The application of UNIKER accelerates the processes of transformation of crop residues in the soil. UNIKER prevents the formation of nitrogen depression (lack of available nitrogen in the soil), because it contains easily hydro-sizable organic matter which, with the help of proteolytic bacteria, decomposes to nitrogen available to plants (NH4 +), which regulates the C / N ratio.

Harvest residues are converted into new organic matter – humus. Humus prevents leaching, improves the water-air regime, and soil structure. With the application of UNIKER, harvest residues decompose faster, which makes pre-sowing soil preparation and sowing easier.

For what purposes is UNIKER fertilizer used?

In orcharding and viticulture, UNIKER is used for spraying fallen leaves, twigs, and bark, which reduces the inoculum of pathogens and the infectious potential for the next year. The soil is enriched with new organic matter which increases the fertility of the soil.

Composting of organic residues produces a stable organic matter similar to humus – compost. Compost is a quality organic fertilizer that is used to repair the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil and can be produced in every household by composting food residues, fallen leaves, grass, twigs, raw manure.

UNIKER liquid microbiological fertilizer contains:

  • Effective strains of proteolytic and cellulolytic bacteria that decompose sparingly soluble compounds of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus and transfer them into plant accessible forms.
  • Organic matter that is transformed in the soil to mineral nitrogen (NH4 +), which prevents the formation of nitrogen depression.

1. To decompose harvest residues

  • After removing the crops (small grains, corn, soybeans, sunflowers, etc.), chop or collect the crop residues.
  • Pour 5l / ha of Uniker in 250-300l of water and spray over the chopped crop residues.
  • Preferably plow or thin out the soil.

2. Composting

  • Arrange the mass of organic matter (row of leaves, dirt, chopped branches) on top of each other.
  • Spray each row individually with 5% Uniker to keep the mass moist.
  • Finish the last layer with soil in the form of a pyramid.

What will you get by applying UNIKER?

⦁ Higher soil fertility;
⦁ Higher content of organic matter in the soil;
⦁ Better water-air and heat regime of the soil:
⦁ Humus formation;
⦁ Prevent nitrogen depression – nitrogen deficiency;
⦁ Improved soil structure and mechanical properties;
⦁ Increase in microbial biomass in soil


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