Why are silage inoculants important for its preparation?
Silage is a product that is created in the process of preserving fodder by ensiling through natural microflora or added inoculated, selected strains of lactic acid bacteria.
Since lactic acid bacteria are in very small numbers, and the sugars ferment according to the heterofermentative type, the fermentation flow is uncontrolled, and the silage is usually not of satisfactory quality, has no nice taste and smell and the animals are reluctant to consume it.
For that reason, it is recommended to use inoculants, i.e. special additives based on homofermentative lactic acid bacteria, because a high number of these bacteria is achieved in the beginning.
You will provide the best quality silage by using special Agrounik products, intended for the preparation of corn silage, alfalfa silage/haylage, as well as grass and grains silage/haylage.
What are the effects of Agrounik silage inoculants?
Less harmful ingredients
Argounik silage inoculants reduce the use of concentrates, and also reduce the percentage of acetic and butyric acids.
Better quality silage
Inoculants enable increased aerobic stability of silage and improved digestibility of NDF and ADF (digestibility of fibers).
More nutritious silage
Agrounik silage inoculants achieve the preservation of proteins in their natural form and provide a higher nutritional value of silage.
Agrounik products guarantee a quality standard at every stage of production, so the use of our silage inoculants is a proven recipe for success. Choose the products you need and provide the highest quality silage.