Which products do we use for soil treatment?

Microorganisms are responsible for the mineralization of organic compounds, but also for the mobilization of sparingly soluble inorganic compounds, which results in a direct, positive impact on the yield of cultivated plants.

It is clear that microorganisms are extremely important for agricultural production, but it also implies intensive tillage, which brings negative effects on microorganisms. Therefore, the use of microbiological fertilizers is necessary.

Soil treatment with microbiological fertilizers is a way to compensate for the lack of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. This leads to the activation of certain microbiological processes, stimulation of growth and development of plants, and thus to the yield and its quality.

Depending on whether you are engaged in arable farming, olericulture, orcharding, or floriculture, choose the products that will best suit your tillage needs.

The products we offer for soil treatment are starting micro-granular microbiological fertilizer, microbiological granular fertilizer, liquid microbiological fertilizer, as well as fertilizer for the decomposition of crop residues and composting.

What are the effects of soil treatment with Agrounik products?

Land recovery

With our products, you can eliminate the negative effects of applying mineral fertilizers, affect the faster decomposition of crop residues, or prevent nitrogen depression.

More fertile land

The application of our fertilizers affects the greater resistance of plants to stress conditions and greater microbiological activity, which leads to a favorable effect on fertility.

Higher yields

The application of our products enables better rooting of plants, their better nutrition during the vegetation, as well as accelerated initial growth.

Agrounik products guarantee a quality standard at every stage of production, so the treatment of the soil with the help of our fertilizers is a proven recipe for success. Choose the products that your land needs and make it even more fertile.